Development of gas microsensor using MOx (Metal-Oxide), surface functionalization and polymeric nanolayers is one of our main components in these area. However, our technology is not limitated by those techniques. IR (Infrared) technology is a promising technology in the detection and quantification of gases. Until now, we have developed several gas sensors using multiple technologies, our brochure includes oxygen, COx, H2S and SOx gases.
We develope new equipment and technology for in-situ measurements of biomass in waste treatment plants and farms. Our system is capable of establishing the biomass of a real sample in a matter of 90 minutes without the need of labs or experts. The complete equipment measures the biomass of different samples and gives the detailes information in electronic format so it can be downloaded using a USB port. The measuring device is a low cost (<$5 USD) disposable element while the reading equipment is fully portable.
Using the microfabrication technology, we can produce different and configurable bioreactors on glass or transparent polymers to grow bacteria, yeast, fungi or algea. Our technology has been tested for several strains and can be complemented with passive microelectronics to detect variations of the cultures.